Calendula to the Rescue!

The Wonders of Calendula Officinalis 

I'm not sure if you are aware, but Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a not only a beautiful flowering herb that adorns many gardens but is also loaded with healing support. Safe enough to eat as a topping for a salad, Calendula is often the herb of choice for support of skin and cell repair. Antiseptic and an anti-inflammatory in nature, it is used externally in the form of oils, creams, ointments and salves in support of skin ailments, injuries, burns and bruises.

Taken internally as a tea or tincture, Calendula is a wonderful natural aid for gastrointestinal inflammation as well as a lymphatic system stimulant. 


Calendula Oil Instructions:

  1. Fill a sterilized jar 3/4 full with Calendula flowers.
  2. Add Olive Oil to cover the Calendula flowers by 1 inch.
  3. Mix to ensure that all the petals are coated and no air bubbles are present with a clean dry spoon.
  4. Tightly seal the jar and place in a warm, dark area such as a countertop without full sun exposure for 4-6 weeks. Dark colored glass jars are best for very lit areas. A brown paper bag may be used as well.
  5. Gently agitate the jar every 1-3 days to ensure proper mixing of the ingredients.
  6. After the 4-6 weeks, strain the Calendula from the oil using cheesecloth draped over a large bowl. With clean hands, gather up the cheesecloth by the 4 corners and squeeze every drop of oil from the cheesecloth. 
  7. Oil is to be stored in a sterilized jar with a tight sealing lid.
  8. Label the jar and store in a cool dark place. 

Because of the tremendous benefit to the skin, many herbalists turn their Calendula oil into a skin salve.

Calendula Salve Instructions:

  1. Place Calendula infused oil into a saucepan over low heat.
  2. Add 1-2 ounces of bees wax slowly to the heating oil.
  3. Continue to heat the mixture until the wax is melted to the desired consistency, stirring with a sterilized spoon.
  4. Dip a different sterilized spoon into the wax mixture and then place in the fridge to gauge the desired consistency. If the wax is too soft, add a bit more wax to the mixture. If the wax is too hard, add more oil.
  5. As the material cools slightly, you may choose to add a few drops of vitamin E oil or your favorite essential oil for added skin protection as well as a lovely scent.
  6. Pour the salve material into your container of choice to cool at room temperature. 
  7. Once cool, place lids on the top with a label and enjoy.

Shop Our Calendula

Information provided by Misty Mountain Tea Shop is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Please do your own research concerning the safety and usage of any products and consult a medical professional if needed.


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