Astragalus Seeds (Astragalus membranaceus) - Organic
Regular price $3.95
Family: Legume (Fabaceae)
Hardy to Zones 4 to 10 (mulch heavily in colder zones)
(Astragalus membranaceus = Astragalus propinquus, the Chinese herb Huang-qi, Huang qi) Herbaceous perennial native to China. Traditional usage (TCM): increase vital energy and protect against illness. Plants get quite large, flowering to 6 feet, with yellow flowers giving way to pea-like follicles. Plant is a sturdy survivor, and prefers full sun, average soil, and good drainage. Scarify seed lightly on medium grit sandpaper and soak overnight in mycoblast tea or kelp tea, which encourages eventual n-fixing nodulation. Direct seed in early spring, or give 20 days cold, moist refrigeration and then sow cool. Germ in 3 to 10 days. Gallery photo of seeds with roots extending was made possible by scarifying seeds and placing outdoors for 20 days in January, then bringing into greenhouse for germination. Thin to 6 inches apart. Plants flower yellow-white to 6 feet tall.
Packet contains 30 Seeds
Certified Organically Grown